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Developer & UX-designer
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2+ years Software development
2nd year of B.Sc Bachelors degree Informatics: Design, Use and Interaction University of Oslo
I am a 22-year-old student from Tromsø, studying informatics at the University of Oslo. I am currently studying research methods in Human-Computer-Interaction, as well as how public services and legal systems can be automated to be more efficient. I have a great interest in software development, and I like working with both backend and frontend technologies.
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From June 2024 - August 2024
3rd - 5th of September 2024
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"20/20 Vision" is a tangible artifact developed with a participatory design-approach. With screen-time regulation functionality to reduce Computer Vision Syndrome and eye-strain caused by prolonged, monotonous computer use. As well as contributing to an overall enhanced working-environment for computer users, via regular breaks, focus-sessions and positive reinforcement.
An application for encrypted storage of critical information for people in abusive relationships. Developed to help victims get better help from lawyers and institutions that need information and evidence in order to support them in cases of violence or abuse. Our finished project from Oslo Legal Hackathon 2024.
An application and a prototype for a voice-user-interface developed from working with dog owners in Oslo. The idea for the app is to assist dog owners in finding suitable places to walk their dog based on environmental factors such as road-salting, temperature, traffic, noise and parks/green areas.
Developed using Next.js.
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